Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/10/2024
Number of Entries: 85
Top Score: timmiser
King of the Hill 1205 Days
Gravitar® (Arcade)
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 timmiser TIM 05/24/2021 39,200
2 yesthatsue SUE 09/28/2022 37,000
3 NOQUARTER GUN 09/16/2020 29,750
4 magnavra MAA 05/30/2021 29,050
5 InsidiouSin SIN 03/11/2021 22,100
6 vernonlreeve VRN 11/30/2020 20,900
7 Tocaio RAF 11/11/2022 20,550
8 Educator VRN 11/22/2020 18,700
9 Major-Resistance DFN 08/03/2021 16,200
10 corruptNEURON DEV 12/21/2021 13,150
11 STAMPER ES9 12/17/2020 12,800
12 STAMPER ES1 12/13/2020 11,950
13 CJdaman CJC 04/07/2023 10,950
14 James Lee AAA 09/19/2020 7,350
15 Adanzuman DAN 08/09/2022 6,950
16 Mobius0zero SFL 12/27/2020 6,900
17 Av8rB737 GWA 12/27/2023 6,700
18 maniac FWL 05/23/2021 6,550
18 avando1969 AAV 09/22/2022 6,550
20 EdthePuppet RSB 06/25/2022 6,200
21 philvt101 WPF 02/07/2022 6,150
22 Kander3456 KEV 07/12/2020 6,100
23 Fahle3 FAH 06/20/2023 6,000
24 gobluedick AAA 06/28/2020 5,950
25 PurringKat ETM 06/22/2021 5,700
26 Vader4633 BRI 06/29/2020 5,450
27 burgerman HPE 09/19/2022 5,000
28 stefaon SRO 01/30/2022 4,900
29 Badwqlf WGE 06/28/2020 4,300
30 Snooptoo EJM 12/12/2020 3,400
31 kaizers0ze LEK 05/03/2022 3,150
32 PaulB007 PBL 12/17/2022 3,100
33 DDEMING65 DAV 10/02/2020 3,050
34 retrodude KEY 09/27/2020 3,000
35 Rbwings2 FED 02/13/2022 2,900
36 Shadyteam11 KWS 11/07/2020 2,800
37 dan10221 IME 07/19/2020 2,600
38 Adanzuman DAA 08/09/2022 2,400
39 rhodze CER 11/08/2020 2,150
39 Adanzuman DMA 08/09/2022 2,150
41 tydban POP 07/01/2022 2,050
42 TuskenGamer LJQ 08/13/2020 2,000
42 adamrmorris AAA 09/13/2020 2,000
44 JJStorm911 JON 03/19/2021 1,900
45 Dabowler JLD 06/27/2020 1,750
46 JAYZEE359 JMZ 07/18/2020 1,700
46 JakobeSVT JCF 08/16/2020 1,700
46 bcrichmark MRL 10/05/2020 1,700
46 Krazyhaze TOM 06/12/2021 1,700
46 rastansaga1987 MGC 09/18/2023 1,700