Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/18/2024
Number of Entries: 211
Top Score: Baby_Yoda
King of the Hill 1287 Days
Chimera Beast
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Baby_Yoda DIS 03/11/2021 80,010,818
2 RetroXP NNV 09/09/2021 22,647,550
3 DcanoT23 DLT 03/04/2021 17,033,650
4 WRXDad DAD 07/10/2021 11,902,950
5 sbartel1 VND 02/25/2021 10,000,000
5 sbartel1 SPV 12/19/2021 10,000,000
7 Baby_Yoda BFO 03/14/2021 8,001,081
8 Cara McMillin AAA 10/13/2023 5,020,000
9 Vader4633 BRI 12/14/2020 3,624,850
10 saecrow CTA 09/09/2021 3,453,750
11 PKBULLETS PKB 09/07/2021 3,290,350
12 Rome4200 RAW 09/07/2021 3,236,600
13 dmbrox BKC 02/28/2021 3,030,750
14 nagaidevil MAL 09/03/2020 2,717,050
15 QQ22QQ YAY 12/27/2020 2,549,600
16 Jekoclown CSO 05/19/2023 2,512,000
17 sbartel1 VID 02/25/2021 2,218,600
18 thebax1971 MAF 09/07/2021 2,196,700
19 JDV!!! JDV 11/11/2021 2,076,450
20 Nperal NIC 01/07/2022 2,027,950
21 ZEROCOOL NJD 08/17/2020 2,019,950
22 Meatballsaucey JPS 09/11/2020 2,014,450
23 JLGaming JML 08/30/2020 1,966,950
24 EliottMorse ERM 01/18/2023 1,951,450
25 todd_russell TDR 01/06/2021 1,942,450
26 Arcadefly DPD 11/11/2021 1,936,950
27 bixwig WIG 12/18/2021 1,904,950
28 HoagieBun TJJ 09/07/2021 1,898,950
29 Nesto71 JAW 01/01/2021 1,896,950
30 Rome4200 RAA 09/04/2021 1,863,950
31 RedShaman BMP 09/08/2021 1,856,450
32 Ryguy RCK 09/02/2021 1,855,950
33 soulred AJH 03/21/2021 1,845,950
34 Arcade_Smurfs ALF 01/14/2022 1,821,450
35 Tocaio RAF 12/14/2021 1,813,950
36 Madmartigan TCC 03/26/2021 1,813,450
37 DocsArcade DOC 12/25/2022 1,805,450
38 ^HASO^ ETH 09/04/2021 1,801,450
39 retrogamingdev NPS 07/20/2022 1,799,950
40 figmnt988 SXM 11/18/2020 1,749,450
41 Necron99 SJK 11/08/2021 1,674,400
42 AntiHero ANT 09/05/2021 1,612,950
43 JTierney43 JMT 09/09/2021 1,502,950
44 Geni.guo AAA 08/04/2020 1,497,950
45 Broxi09 DUK 04/29/2022 1,497,300
46 PlayedOutGamer POG 09/04/2021 1,495,950
47 ballistikcoffeeboy BBB 08/02/2020 1,482,450
48 ShadowWarrior SLS 09/06/2021 1,477,450
49 Fahle3 DFA 01/12/2024 1,467,950
50 BryanTrusty BKT 09/04/2021 1,460,950