Top 50 Scores: Last updated 01/26/2025
Number of Entries: 30
Top Score: Vader4633
King of the Hill 1482 Days
Dual Assault/Liberation
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Vader4633 BRI 01/05/2021 72,240
2 QQ22QQ YAY 12/05/2020 54,300
3 Vader4633 BRJ 01/05/2021 53,580
4 WRXDad DAD 10/11/2020 34,370
5 Meatballsaucey JPS 09/11/2020 16,350
6 Kander3456 KEV 08/22/2020 15,970
7 gtrzan JEB 02/03/2023 11,720
8 PlayedOutGamer POG 02/27/2022 11,590
9 TuskenGamer LJQ 08/13/2020 11,250
9 TuskenGamer AAA 08/13/2020 11,250
11 NOQUARTER GUN 09/18/2020 11,060
12 KMQuick KMS 02/26/2022 10,500
13 BillBee BIL 12/28/2023 8,270
14 Gamer_Nix NIX 11/04/2023 6,970
15 JTierney43 JMT 12/17/2020 6,450
16 leonedwards74 KAA 02/19/2023 6,430
17 CKlima1 CAK 09/05/2021 6,130
18 bixwig WIG 02/26/2022 5,760
19 TheNevin MAN 08/28/2020 5,110
20 the40yogamer AAA 09/15/2020 4,390
21 nagaidevil MAL 12/16/2021 4,350
22 MegaManX AAA 11/14/2022 3,320
23 JDV!!! JDV 01/21/2023 2,790
24 RetroXP NNV 10/20/2020 2,660
25 DominarVis DV0 02/14/2021 2,250
26 OutlawShank CJL 01/06/2023 1,800
27 xSadTrombonez LEE 11/15/2022 520
28 Rydoogal ASA 03/03/2022 510
29 Trumpetgod64 TOM 12/10/2024 210
30 Muncy# AAA 03/08/2023 90