Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 197
Top Score: RetroXP
King of the Hill 1413 Days
Liquid Kids
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 RetroXP NNV 11/03/2020 518,120
2 Vader4633 BRI 10/31/2020 301,000
3 Olorle DLS 09/05/2021 300,840
4 RetroXP ZR0 10/18/2020 230,620
4 RetroXP 999 10/18/2020 230,620
4 RetroXP N0V 10/18/2020 230,620
4 RetroXP 411 10/18/2020 230,620
8 jerospace JER 10/17/2020 112,090
9 RetroXP N9V 10/12/2020 104,530
10 JasonFancher JCF 05/28/2023 92,380
11 jerospace 007 10/12/2020 90,170
12 frivasplata AAA 01/01/2021 87,320
13 RetroXP CBR 09/17/2020 86,930
14 RetroXP CZ0 09/18/2020 85,120
15 frivasplata FBB 12/02/2020 83,030
16 Cchummer42 CPH 10/09/2020 81,460
17 frivasplata F69 11/08/2020 79,950
18 frivasplata FA7 10/11/2020 78,650
19 frivasplata F8A 10/11/2020 76,450
20 frivasplata FCB 10/16/2020 75,350
21 frivasplata F89 11/03/2020 74,970
22 frivasplata FAA 09/26/2020 74,840
23 frivasplata FCA 10/05/2020 74,820
24 frivasplata F99 10/16/2020 73,220
25 ZEROCOOL NJA 09/18/2020 72,590
25 ZEROCOOL NJD 09/18/2020 72,590
27 The_Deepblue DLC 04/27/2021 70,580
28 Cchummer42 DPH 10/01/2020 68,930
29 RedShaman BMP 11/03/2020 67,370
30 RetroXP BOI 09/15/2020 57,210
31 KingCreole BDP 11/03/2020 55,560
32 DcanoT23 DLT 10/11/2020 54,880
33 Ivegonekratos1 CJR 02/20/2022 54,460
34 Dapizzano DAP 02/24/2022 54,210
35 Arcade_Legend BAD 02/24/2021 53,510
36 PKBULLETS PKB 09/06/2021 52,510
37 Tocaio RAF 09/03/2021 52,420
38 Fahle3 FAH 05/26/2023 52,200
38 Fahle3 LFH 05/27/2023 52,200
40 DocMcScruffin DOC 10/10/2020 52,110
41 bcrichmark MRK 10/11/2020 51,660
42 Razkul JOC 09/05/2021 50,480
43 Meatballsaucey JPS 11/01/2020 50,090
44 sid677 JRE 02/19/2022 49,810
45 Fitzget1 AAA 12/22/2021 49,000
46 patlarjor LMA 02/20/2022 48,680
47 TyGuy TPD 06/28/2023 44,900
48 HoagieBun TJJ 09/07/2021 44,870
49 skifrs RSS 11/29/2020 44,740
50 kinja09 DL9 10/08/2020 44,330