Top 50 Scores: Last updated 10/07/2024
Number of Entries: 11
Top Score: BillBee
King of the Hill 397 Days
Red Show
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 BillBee BIL 09/06/2023 597,580
2 Loocianum LOO 03/30/2024 593,670
3 Larsun LAR 03/08/2022 237,350
4 Buttcher87 MTV 03/10/2023 183,820
5 Tod_Spengo KCA 06/16/2022 170,470
6 jsbac BAC 07/19/2022 139,540
7 jsbac JSC 07/19/2022 89,300
8 Gray2015 MRC 01/03/2023 63,150
9 Tod_Spengo MAA 06/16/2022 59,660
10 Haydron DHC 12/04/2022 56,740
11 chad1.0 CMH 10/26/2021 37,920