Top 50 Scores: Last updated 12/12/2024
Number of Entries: 1735
Top Score: mctyler
King of the Hill 6 Days
Shooting the Rapids Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 mctyler MCT 12/06/2024 27,690
2 tabes117 LTC 12/08/2024 26,320
3 DUKE_LEGEND LSW 12/06/2024 22,390
4 tabes117 SYT 12/07/2024 21,920
5 tabes117 RYT 12/07/2024 19,420
6 Geoffraiel GEO 12/09/2024 19,020
7 BriansLair BCK 12/10/2024 18,960
8 tabes117 MTW 12/09/2024 16,350
9 SkibumMT25 JWT 12/09/2024 7,650
10 tabes117 DAD 12/08/2024 5,580
11 Dustmonkey KWK 12/06/2024 5,100
12 tabes117 MTC 12/08/2024 3,350
13 Nico26fr MCH 12/07/2024 2,130
14 dvcs87 DVC 12/11/2024 2,050
15 cheesegr8a PIP 12/11/2024 1,800
16 Corky49 AGS 12/05/2024 1,770