Top 50 Scores: Last updated 02/12/2025
Number of Entries: 39
Top Score: RetroXP
King of the Hill 961 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 RetroXP RXP 06/27/2022 2,422,800
2 figmnt988 SXM 06/28/2022 652,200
3 Bradwashere BJD 09/17/2023 526,500
4 Richardotiswright RCH 05/22/2023 460,600
5 forthtry BAD 04/16/2022 459,300
6 sybuster DER 05/11/2022 417,300
7 artofmana BCS 03/27/2022 360,500
8 Lucas Dightman LED 03/26/2022 267,600
9 Gamer_Nix NIX 09/04/2022 197,300
10 Vader4633 BRI 01/11/2022 131,300
11 nextleveltaken NXT 03/25/2022 112,900
12 Ballzaslappin BIL 01/11/2022 102,400
13 RossPatrol ARW 03/26/2022 94,000
14 TPE2810 DER 01/11/2022 92,700
15 Shytownblues PCR 03/17/2022 71,800
16 Crooms JAA 03/12/2022 70,200
16 retroreverence DLL 04/16/2022 70,200
18 Pellot CPV 03/27/2022 63,100
19 Heat5201 MRL 03/17/2022 52,000
19 KevinSievers KES 09/03/2022 52,000
21 Drewish522 JEW 03/13/2022 51,100
22 tysonwritesel TFW 09/03/2022 49,500
23 Megamartian MEW 09/03/2022 48,400
24 SasukeUchiha998 JUS 01/14/2022 47,200
25 Salacious_Bum SAL 01/14/2022 42,900
26 Lt-2698 ACE 10/10/2022 41,900
27 Dawg95 DWA 04/16/2022 41,200
28 Greyghost76 B1G 05/10/2022 40,200
29 Metalmilitian85 TAW 01/12/2022 39,500
30 necrocomicon WBB 03/29/2022 38,500
31 necrocomicon PWZ 01/20/2022 37,700
32 necrocomicon PWB 01/20/2022 36,500
33 taslimdude TAS 04/10/2022 34,100
34 harrypotter1 AAA 07/17/2024 33,100
35 Ultralow36 KEN 12/22/2023 30,900
36 ^HASO^ HAS 09/04/2022 27,200
37 jjershin JAY 09/03/2022 26,100
37 jjershin JAA 09/03/2022 26,100
39 Mazzmn TJ0 03/29/2022 23,200