Top 50 Scores: Last updated 02/12/2025
Number of Entries: 3089
Top Score: MadBenHan
King of the Hill 47 Days
Back to the Future™ Pinball

Universal Classics Pinball © 2017-2024 Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 MadBenHan HAT 12/27/2024 873,072,129
2 Spartycus JON 01/05/2025 607,562,485
3 coinmancer DON 09/17/2024 548,828,261
4 StopNudgingMe DLC 12/23/2024 536,168,640
5 Mr-FX FXX 09/28/2024 496,631,526
6 edog11 EDF 12/27/2024 474,105,732
7 mikedg2 MDG 09/12/2024 463,449,951
8 Flyguydk FLY 01/05/2025 454,941,140
9 GernBlanston MEE 09/25/2024 449,609,076
10 al_cat! CAT 11/22/2024 437,350,599
11 Haken123 XXX 12/23/2024 432,174,371
12 Horrorcade87 CRB 09/13/2024 399,743,921
13 Ballzaslappin BIL 12/21/2024 397,593,670
14 fog000 FOG 01/17/2025 382,447,764
15 Jutras68 CPJ 09/21/2024 368,973,096
16 TomatoGrass GRU 09/18/2024 359,860,410
17 redthorne MAN 10/07/2024 355,805,767
18 Bla1ze MMM 09/20/2024 349,426,101
19 DocR-49-Univers, DOC 01/25/2025 340,766,696
20 Grym205 TOD 09/18/2024 339,986,114
21 drunkenBlur RAY 10/20/2024 319,429,572
22 Leonefamily22 DAD 11/08/2024 317,996,948
23 Dakiva MOM 12/21/2024 315,069,582
24 Scoaljo SAJ 11/07/2024 307,965,745
25 Epic_Waffles DJB 09/12/2024 305,936,754
26 attackpg PMG 09/13/2024 296,851,989
27 Monkeypsycho99 POD 10/25/2024 295,973,689
28 Ritzy5120 EYA 09/14/2024 293,420,290
29 RealCreamer RCM 12/24/2024 291,356,318
30 jaysWorld107 JAY 09/13/2024 285,946,410
31 boiler6491 TED 01/27/2025 278,270,065
32 SoCoolYeah JPS 02/10/2025 276,578,792
33 ahhcobras CET 01/19/2025 268,948,579
34 KingEd KED 01/12/2025 265,639,779
35 sixstringpin BRY 12/23/2024 261,484,127
36 Alllll ALS 12/20/2024 260,815,769
37 kgreen13299 KEV 10/22/2024 260,530,586
38 matty_ice84 MAT 10/23/2024 254,520,026
39 metalmanmax MAX 10/09/2024 253,511,461
40 hansendavis DAD 10/23/2024 247,407,284
41 NudeEgg DMH 10/27/2024 243,544,438
42 jbreas CTP 01/25/2025 242,343,409
43 LegendsPinball4K RAY 09/15/2024 238,667,921
44 pierrem COY 11/10/2024 237,920,990
45 MeximusPrime MXY 09/21/2024 235,466,557
46 johnsonjames456 JMJ 02/11/2025 234,875,204
47 mddeath187 MAP 09/14/2024 232,287,954
48 BVRlive BVR 12/28/2024 228,778,326
49 Just88 JST 02/04/2025 228,757,128
50 k1ngsw1sha TMG 01/01/2025 227,757,867