Back to the Future™ Pinball
- MadBenHan 492,282,385
- mikedg2 463,449,951
- Horrorcade87 399,743,921
- MinkontheLoose 2,189,920
- Undertow1 2,159,770
- Maj0rGow3n 2,052,020
Battle 2016
- tampatec 182,054,864
- ChefB 138,814,100
- Dax Zombro 137,282,310
Battle Deluxe
- captacl 197,249,720
- Rdfost7 146,052,100
- ChefB 140,520,460
Battle Retro
- Oldbrettc 7,630
- KingEfraim 4,780
- MX-5_RF 4,580
Beast Master
- Dave88 36,440
- ChefB 35,320
- Russ4564 34,710
Big Shot
- TomatoGrass 442,380
- tonydanneffel 319,430
- MadBenHan 222,270
Black Hole
- TomatoGrass 7,872,100
- Epic_Waffles 7,010,650
- pippin 4,750,900