P-47: The Phantom Fighter
- DcanoT23 382,200
- Vader4633 306,000
- surfgirl15 297,800

P.O.W Prisoner of War
- Joenash 183,450
- Arcadefly 150,700
- _mcap_ 114,400

Peanuts Snoopy Pinball
- schubert1970 71,324,992
- SPW23 51,903,436
- TomatoGrass 50,847,494

Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory
- Almighty5 475,900
- adamrmorris 251,800
- Almighty5 200,400

Pinball Champ
- Hunter 72,251,770
- TomatoGrass 58,598,580
- Menace2Sobriety 56,744,640

Pinball Champ '82
- sanphord 51,064,410
- Menace2Sobriety 50,512,820
- joshabbyevie 46,677,450

Pinball Champ 2018
- REYNALDO 1,521,937,030
- stephane 1,342,372,500
- cyrilou 1,125,691,520

Pinball Champ Retro
- Figstimpy 53,200
- Menace2Sobriety 49,740
- SpinalTapp 40,420